To me lingerie isn’t just ’underwear’, it is a fashion statement. I absolutely love lingerie and am definitely not afraid to show it off. It’s fun to play around with that extra layer underneath when you put together your outfits. Marlies Dekkers makes it that much easier to do so, I love her designs and her way of thinking. The brand speaks to me on so many levels. Lingerie should be all about the women that wear it, and I think Marlies does an amazing job at embracing that ideal. The brand creates incredibly beautiful and comfortable lingerie as well as beautiful campaigns and strong stories and images around female empowerment. I see a lot of brands jumping on trends to stay relevant, but I feel like Marlies Dekkers has stuck to a certain ideal from the beginning and isn’t doing it for a trend but because she truly believes in what she’s doing.” – Josefien Hoekstra